A phantom that made art out of hate

by Anonymous

All I’m going to say is I’m dealing with something unheard-of physically. Attacking me, choking my mother, beating my pregnant wife, only reveals itself. So far I’ve seen twenty different forms, anything from a black mist to a demonic creature, this thing has followed me house to house for the past 5 years, religious actions have absolutely no effect actually he grows meaner followed by being stronger, you get the point. Multiple ghost hunters came can sense him but he’s so smart he hides so they have no choice but to leave. This medium told me I manifested this thing she senses my soul was nothing but violent negative energy and this evil spirit is surviving off me, she was right ‘cause after I returned from Afghanistan with more blood, sin and violence the thing returned but so much stronger. Any normal situation I’d check myself into mental ward but he’s attacking the closest to me to get to me he’s constantly stomping feet, shaking pill bottles and breathing deep and heavy right next to my wife and me. Sounds funny but I’m leaving a lot out of 5-year long haunting of a ghost that’s only capable of hating me and will do anything to get me upset, angry or use negative emotion. I wouldn't mind if he couldn't physically hurt people because he now is strong he will level me all 200 lbs with one push. I’m not worried about me my pregnant wife upstairs equals I gotta kill this f***g living storm, most of you won’t believe me, oh well but those that do stay good ‘cause I’m stalked and physically reminded by a form of hell.

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Sep 23, 2015
I don't usually allow spam
by: Seas Of Mintaka

Hi Emerson. Thanks for your comment. I don't usually allow spam or promotional links. However I found your link useful, since I also do freelance writing, so I will allow your comment (and link) to remain (if I don't change my mind sometime in the future haha).

Sep 22, 2015
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Jan 07, 2013
Intuitive Healing Sessions
by: Seas Of Mintaka

As I commented to the last story submitted here, this type of phenomena is a lot more common than you would think, and it happens to quite a lot of people.

As I mention in the comment, about a year ago I learnt how to carry out intuitive healing sessions which would remove negative entities that are hanging around people, sucking energy from them and just in general making people miserable, speaking to them in their heads, etc.

I hadn't started offering these sessions to the public because I really didn't think that they would be of much interest to most people, or that there would be a great need for these types of healings.

However, many people have been asking me if I will start offering these healing sessions, so I have decided to offer them soon through this website.

Traditional religious exorcisms often don't work because they simply don't have the strength to be effective and because, in fact, most of these negative entities that "haunt" you just really couldn't give a d**n about being threatened with hell. They know that they won't go to hell and that priests don't have the strength to force them to do so.

What we think of as "hell" is really, as a matter of fact, just a "lower astral plane" which seethes with negativity and where a great deal of really nasty, negative spirits co-exist (if not particularly peacefully).

Unlike what "ghost hunters" do, the form of intuitive healing that I learnt effectively clears out all negative attaching entities of any sort (regardless of whether or not they happen to be "religious", "believe" in hell, etc.), even if they don't want to leave, because it calls upon very high orders of celestial beings as well as the strongest universal forces to forcibly remove these entities from you and escort them to whatever lower astral plane they rightfully belong to.

If you are interested, you can keep in touch by checking back often on this website so you can know when I begin to offer these healing sessions.

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Patricia - S.E. Amadis
In the Prison of our Grief - S.E. Amadis
A Beautiful Day to Die - S.E. Amadis
Harrowing - S.E. Amadis
Addicted to the Light - S.E. Amadis

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How I Left a Codependent Relationship

I Love Him, He Loves Me Not: How I Left a Codependent Relationship

The Power of Loving Yourself

The Power of Loving Yourself: 10 Effective Tips to Help You Raise Your Self-Esteem, Self-Confidence and Self-Worth

Forest of Mintaka

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